Attendance Policy
Daily attendance is necessary for all students. Students are expected to be on time, prepared, and to participate in class every day. Attendance is mandatory for all classes. Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes, to arrive on time, and remain for the duration of each class. An absence is an absence. Be aware that there is no difference between an excused absence or an unexcused absence. Weddings, funerals, non-emergency illnesses (such as colds), no babysitter, returning late from a weekend trip, breaking up with a significant other, etc. are not excused, so plan accordingly. Serious emergencies such as, emergency illnesses, court requirements, or car accidents are the only possible extenuating circumstances that may be considered, but this is determined on an individual basis and documentation will be required for this consideration. All doctor’s appointments must be scheduled after class hours as this will be counted toward an absence or tardy.​
It is important for a student to move through his/her program at a pace that will ensure that the student will complete the program within the limits of Satisfactory Academic Progress and within the maximum time frame.
Credit hour programs: Students must complete 67% of the entire program to graduate. If a student exceeds 33% absences during the program they will be withdrawn. Midwest Institute calculates the percent of the program completed the same for all certificate and degree-seeking students except Veterinary Technician.
Attendance Policy for Online Delivery:
Medical Assisting Students participating in online hybrid courses must actively participate in online classroom activities a minimum of four (4) out of seven (7) days each week during the course. Failure to meet this requirement may result in a lower grade, and/or being withdrawn from the online course.
Medical Assisting blended/ Dental Assisting blended /Massage Therapy blended /Surgical Technology blended/Veterinary Technician online blended courses must actively attend their remote classroom via Zoom and/or complete exercises via distance tools assigned each scheduled class day. See class times for schedule in the catalog. The on-ground attendance policy applies to these programs. Blended Remote classroom delivery will follow the residential schedule and attendance. Students cannot miss more than 4 days per module. Lab attendance: All students must attend all scheduled labs on campus. If more than two days of the lab are missed in a module, the student will be withdrawn from the program. No exceptions. The withdrawal policy for online courses is the same as the withdrawal policies for ground classes.
For the full attendance policy see page 28 of the Midwest Institute catalog on the Midwest Institute website.