Academic Honesty​ | Online Courses
All students participating in an online course will be held accountable for and expected to comply with Midwest Institute’s Online Academic Honesty Policy. Students are expected to demonstrate academic integrity by completing their own work, assignments, and assessments. Effective planning and progress must be accomplished for students to be successful in their degree program of study. Submission of work from another person, whether it is from printed sources or someone other than the student, previously graded papers, papers submitted without proper source citation, or submitting the same paper to multiple courses without the knowledge of all instructors involved can result in a failing grade or be reported to the campus Director of Education for appropriate sanctions or disciplinary actions. All students are expected to adhere to the standards as set forth in the Student Code of Conduct.
Midwest Institute’s administration, faculty, and students believe strongly in the concept of an honor system. This belief is based on the knowledge that in competitive professional environments, greater emphasis is placed on originality and integrity of ideas and work. All members of the academic community, including faculty, students and administration, are expected to assist in maintaining the integrity of Midwest Institute, which includes reporting incidents which violate the Student Code of Conduct.
For all online course work, learning events are to be the student’s own work. Any information taken directly from another source must either be paraphrased, or include quotations and a reference to where the original information was obtained. Violations of this policy will evaluated on a case by case basis by the instructor and administration.
Students are expected to demonstrate academic integrity by completing their own work assignments and assessments. Effective planning and progress must be accomplished for students to be successful in their program of study. Submission of work from another person, whether it is from printed sources or someone other than the student, previously graded papers, papers submitted without proper source citation, or submitting the same paper to multiple courses without the knowledge of all instructors involved can result in a failing grade or be reported to your campus Director of Education for appropriate sanctions or disciplinary actions.
Academic Dishonesty Definition
Cheating—Using or attempting to use crib sheets, electronic sources, stolen exams, unauthorized study aids in an academic assignment or exam, or copying or colluding with a fellow student in an effort to improve one's grade.
Facilitating Academic Dishonesty—Assisting or attempting to assist any person to commit any act of academic misconduct, such as allowing someone to copy a paper or test answers.
Midwest Institute has a zero tolerance policy for academic dishonesty. Any student caught cheating or facilitating cheating will be terminated from their program permanently with no opportunity of appeal.
All students are expected to adhere to the standards as set forth in the Student Code of Conduct and Statement on Academic Honesty.
For all online course work, please note learning events are to be of the student’s own work.
Plagiarism: The definition of Plagiarism is to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another or source) as one's own: use (another's production) without crediting the source. This will not be tolerated at Midwest Institute